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《我們的青春,在台灣 Our Youth in Taiwan》紀錄片放映暨映後導演座談 Documentary Screening and Q&A With the Director Yue Fu

Thu, Jul 11, 2019, 6:30 PM

McConomy Auditorium - CMU Campus, University Center, 5032 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

★ 2018 金馬獎.最佳紀錄片 2018 Golden Horse Awards.Best Documentary ★ 2018 台北電影獎.最佳紀錄片 2018 Taipei Film Festival.Best Documentary

七月份哲學星期五@匹茲堡將帶來《我們的青春,在台灣》的電影放映活動。《青春》導演傅榆在金馬獎得獎時致詞:「我們可能把錯誤的期待投射在別人身上,這有可能發生在人對人,也有可能發生在國家對國家。我希望有一天,我們的國家可以被當作一個真正獨立的個體來看待,這是我身為一個台灣人最大的願望。」哲學星期五@匹茲堡很榮幸能邀請到導演傅榆,在電影放映後與匹茲堡的鄉親會面、分享她的創作歷程與想法。歡迎匹茲堡地區的朋友們、帶著你的家人、邀請你的鄰居、同事、好友們一起共襄盛舉! 《我們的青春,在台灣》從台灣觀點、政治角度切入,近距離觀看大時代下的年輕人,在實踐民主時真實的處境,進而思考,自身與民主之間的關係。告別青春、走向成熟的故事,總是發生在世界各地的年輕生命裡。本片主角們的青春夢想,是藉由反抗體制,追求一個更好的國家,卻在動盪的兩岸關係裡,變成歷史的一部份。本片紀錄一個反共的台灣學運明星、一個喜愛台灣的中國學生、一個政治狂熱的台灣紀錄片工作者,他們之間理應充滿矛盾,卻在社會運動裡找到合作的可能性。在一場台灣24年來最大型的社會運動之後,他們從接近成功的巔峰,逐漸墜入失望的谷底,曾經堅持的理想,還有可能延續嗎? 電影預告片: 電影粉絲頁: [ 票價 ] 為讓電影活動順利舉辦,需大家一同集資贊助紀錄片公播費及導演和製片來匹茲堡巡迴相關旅費。 1. 熱血鄉親貴賓席 $20 (特別保留的最佳電影觀賞座位。數量有限、欲購從速!) 2. 限量早鳥優惠票 $8 (前100張票於5/31前付款完成。) 3. 預售票 $10 4. 現場票 $12 (若預售票完售,將不開放現場售票。) ★ ★ ★ 購票傳送門 (Ticket purchase link): [ 付款方式 ] 請Venmo 或 Paypal至 <>,並於付款後填寫此表單,志工核對後會寄電子票至您的信箱。 [ 停車資訊 ] CMU East Campus Garage 傍晚五點後可免費停車 (5040 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213) [ 聯絡方式 ] 若有疑問請寫信至 [ 關於哲學星期五 ]  - 哲學星期五@匹茲堡:  - 哲學星期五:  - 哲學星期五官網: Café Philo-Pittsburgh will hold a screening for <Our Youth in Taiwan> on Thursday, July 11th, 2019. Director Fu said that her “greatest hope is for my country to be treated as a truly independent entity", in her acceptance speech at the Golden Horse film awards ceremony. Café Philo-Pittsburgh is honored to have Director Fu share her creative and film-making process with the audience after the screening. Please bring your family and invite your friends, neighbors, and colleagues to join us at the screening event in Pittsburgh! Movie Summary: A star of the Taiwanese student movement, a celebrity Chinese student who loves Taiwan, and a Taiwanese documentary filmmaker passionate about politics. Each of them shared dreams of rebellion and building a better country. In the wake of the biggest social movement in Taiwan in recent years, they reflected on how close they came to realizing their goals, how they were let down, and whether it is still possible to continue fighting for ideals. Movie Trailer: MovieFacebook: [Tickets] You can help make this screening successful by buying tickets via several options as indicated below. Ticket sales will cover the public screening licensing cost as well as travel and miscellaneous expenses for the director and the producer. 1. VIP ticket $20 (Limited reserved seats, buy it now to support the event!) 2. Early bird discount ticket $8 (100 tickets available for those who purchased before May 31st, 2019) 3. Presale ticket $10 4. Ticket at the door $12 (Not available if presale tickets are sold out) ★ ★ ★ 購票傳送門 (Ticket purchase link): [Payment] Please Venmo or Paypal to <> and fill out the following form. Our volunteers will confirm your payment and send electronic tickets to your email. [Parking] CMU East Campus Garage is FREE after 5 pm (5040 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213) [Contact] For questions, comments, or donation to support the event, please email: [About Café Philo]  - Café Philo-Pittsburgh Facebook:  - Café Philo:  - Café Philo official website:




文:郭向榮 全美台灣同鄉會匹茲堡分會提前在一月二十六日中午在有舞台設備的蜀香園舉行聚餐年會。這次以[辦桌]方式進行,約有一百四十位熱情鄕親不畏天寒,踴躍出席,熱鬧而溫馨。前會長蔡欣玲特別書寫台語春聯張貼於會場上,橫批是[2019...


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